sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Pop Art

Pop art is an art movement that emerged in Britain and in the United States. The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it.

Pop art is aimed to employ images of popular as opposed to elitist culture in art, emphasizing the banal  elements of any given culture, most often through the use of irony. It is also associated with the artists use of mechanical means of reproduction or rendering techniques.

Much of pop art is considered incongruent, as the conceptual practices that are often used make it difficult for some to readily comprehend. Pop art and minimalism are considered to be art movements that precede postmodern art, or are some of the earliest examples of Postmodern Art themselves. 

Pop art often takes as its imagery that which is currently in use in advertising. Product labeling and logos figure prominently in the imagery chosen by pop artists, like in the Campbell's Soup Cans labels, by Andy Warhol. Even the labeling on the shipping carton containing retail items has been used as subject matter in pop art.

Andy Warhol: Marilyn Monroe (1962)

Roy Lichstenstein: Whaam! (1963)

Author: Irene Serrano Menéndez (based on Wikipedia article)

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